Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 2011

Her outfit was unremarkable but her hairpiece sort of defied description-200 points for sartorial use of pick-up sticks. You could design an entire late-modern cocktail outfit around that hairpiece. The schmuck in the left bottom corner is my dear friend Smashley, who is normally a pretty handsome guy but after all the booze and drugs and dancing to the Scissor Sisters for an hour and a half he looks here a little like one of those fish from Super Mario Bros.

April 2011

For a Tenderloin SRO denizen, this guy is kind of sexy. He looks a little like Ian Dury. Very few people go for this kind of French Motorcyclist look anymore. He tried to take my picture too but we couldn't figure out his smart phone.

April 2011

There were a lot of Fabulous People at the Scissor Sisters concert on the 15th. This one looks kind of like adam ant running out to the grocery store real quick, or Kenneth Anger's Invocation Of My Little Brother.

April 2011

Thank "god" this kind of hairstyle came back into style. This guy's hair can do things my limp, caucasoid tangles could never dream of. It's highly architectural and simultaneously reminds me of a buttermilk donut, not unlike Tupac's 'do in "Juice".

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 2011

Nobody ever answers and he knows there's actually nobody checking the message machine but at this point going through the ritual of calling is kind of all he's got. Poor guy.

April 2011

I thought she might've been the most stylish woman in Whoville, but it turns out she was just Russian, as she explained while staring in mesmerized awe at my belt buckle. To make matters worse, moments after this photo was taken my friend explained to me that everyone is wearing their hair in a vertical antenna-bun right now, because there was some kind of article or something in "w" magazine, whatever the fuck that is. A week later i saw her in the food court and her array was still extended, as it were.

April 2011

This look is part and parcel to the early 90's thing going on right now, but at least this fellow manages not to look so horribly dumpy. This is kind of a Jeffrey Lee Pierce look, but less overaccessorized , less pasty and less visibly nuts.

April 2011

I had to interrupt a really important conversation to take these peoples' photo. Outside of the frame, the person on the left is wearing blue bike pants, which with the Hot Cookie chonies (Hot Cookie, for those of you that don't know, is a cookie shop in the Castro, kind of like an extra-gay Mrs. Fields) displays a healthy Superhero preoccupation. The woman on the left has a Mark Ryden abe lincoln pin on her lapel. Is is racist somehow if i say that black people look better in certain colors? I'm thinking specifically of green and yellow here.

April 2011

Genesis P-Orridge? No, just your average extra-fabulous street trannie. She may not look like much to you but inside her head she is the most fabulous creature in the universe, which is a talent more of us should have.

April 2011

My favorite people are the ones who, when i ask to take their picture, will say something like "who, me?" because they assume that "fashion" means "designer" or "rich" when in fact it means the practice of applying an aesthetic sense to dress. In downtown SF I have seen a LOT of people wearing the latest whatever, and easily a third of them look deeply uncomfortable in whatever outfit they're stuffed into (and perhaps their own skins as well), whereas you know this lady is doing it right by looking at her. She just happened to get dressed up as a Business Fisherwoman, and it's no big deal.

April 2011

The earlier in life you quit taking drugs, the less likely you'll be interested in things like this later.

March 2011

Yrs truly. This was taken in front of the mirror that greets you when you step off the elevator in the building wherein i work, and i am certain to my core that there is a hidden camera watching me check my hair and pick my crotch every day at lunch.

March 2011

I'm delighted by the prevalence of "gentleman's styles" right now. This guy is keeping it relatively simple, but, as evidenced by the natural ease with which he busted this pose, clearly understands what Gentlemanhood is all about.

March 2011

I interrupted this gentleman taking photos of skyscrapers to take his picture. He said he just got here from Cleveland, where presumably he was born of a coupling between Bob Dylan and a member of FARC.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 2011

The Belgian Industrial look. I took a shitty photo so you can't see his feet but rest assured that this guy has just parachuted in from 1989. (Extra points for little round sunglasses-i've loved little round sunglasses for years and you all made fun of me but when they come back into style and Bradgelina is wearing them you'll be sorry. If those fucking 90's floral print leggings can come back into style anything's possible.)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 11 2011

Extra points for graceful use of a hat that on most people would make you look like a cigar enthusiast. The jacket-thing, i was told, is a work jumpsuit from the czech republic sawn in half. Photo taken in front of LA's The Smell

Mar 9, 2011

What shall we call this look? Mod Sailor Elf? Whatever it is, it's working. Note also that her hair completes the triad of primary colors.
This guy got my attention by wearing what appeared to be a small dog skull around his neck, which he assured me he "made" (?) himself. He put his shades on especially for the picture, which are pure William Gibson.